

Ridiculous Allegations of Hamir Mir…General Bajwa Ex Army Chief under Probe

Ridiculous Allegations of Hamir Mir…General Bajwa Ex Army Chief under Probe

A video clip surfacing these days with baseless allegations by a renowned journalist Hamid Mir has shaken Pakistan's political and military corridors to smoke high, stating explosive revelations about former Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa in hot water. The allegations were made in a TV interview that has sparked political controversy over the role of the Pakistan military in politics.

Hamid Mir’s Explosives. status strip

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Hamid Mir is a controversial journalist and has been reporting on Pakistan's scandal-ridden political landscape for many years A powerful — and polarising — figure in Pakistani journalism, Mir is renowned for his dogged coverage of the regime to seize power. The latest allegations from the President though have even his devout following squealing in shock.

Mir went on to insinuate that Bajwa (2016–22) was involved in this really bad stuff, maybe it tarnished the image he had built. The skeletons are far too many and Mir went on to suggest (without saying much) that the ambiguity shrouding Bajwa's last years could come back.

He thence cryptically continued: "The era of General Bajwa will be exposed and the nation might get surprised as well." So he would have added that exploitation of the way some things were done as head might nudge Bajwa, who could be on shaky ground even if such skeletons had been out in his time.

As Good As It Gets — A Travesty Of General Bajwa's Decade

A lot has happened domestically and internationally during the stint of General Qamar Javed Bajwa as Pakistan army chief. He had a significant hand in shaping Pakistan's security policy, moving pawns not only on the Indian and Afghan chessboards but also check-mating Uncle Sam. The civilian control of our defence and foreign policy did not change ( it never became Musharaf's dual cville version ), but the military remained at significant stakes in terms of the Minister of Defence secretariat under his direction.

The decision in 2019 had been praised and denounced both when Prime Minister Imran Khan (seen right here) extended Bajwa's term. Listening to the pro-Nawaz camp reminded me of a desire for stability in anything --Pakistan, after all still struggles through its very own assembly-line service from hell where planes are crashed while factories keep burning and only God above knows why unsettled wing nuts have kept pressing Pakistan's crash self-destruct button. However, the extension also provoked criticism from opponents who contended that it was another example of military intrusion into civilian rule.

Arguably the most controversial part of Bajwa's time in office was one claim which suggested his handiwork had contributed to how Pakistan ended up with mere cricketer Imran Khan as its Prime Minister. The military is accused of having directly helped its protege Khan win the 2018 general elections after massive accusations of vote-rigging and intimidation. There were unfounded allegations, but they still haunt the politics in Pakistan.

The Potential Fallout

While Hamid Mir did not offer a whole lot to the cliches, it sure has revived an old discussion over Bajwa days. These are serious allegations, and if proven true can not only be very damaging for Bajwa as an individual but also to the larger military apparatus.

This is because the major issues are lawsuit-related concerns. Only a few have been investigated upon retirement vis-à-vis spoke military officers in Pakistan. However, if Mir is to be believed and the charges outlined by him are serious Bajwa could well land up in legal wrangles.

If proven true, it could only heap upon the sorry image of Pakistan's most powerful institution in a nation where its arm seems far and long. The undisputed truth is that the most dangerous ground for the military to play in all of its history has always been politics touch and go while an imaginary fault on the part of ex-CoAS could have sent public trust plummeting into pits.

RelatedThe Bigger Political Picture

The revelations of Mir also cast much doubt on the political governance in Pakistan presently. Our country is experiencing economic instability, political discourse and a divisive community. All the dark days in history sure put a dent in the rest for sure,. Anyway, Yes some conspiracy is going down our nation has gone corrupt.

This poses a puzzle for the sitting government led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. It would quite possibly be positioning itself as an advocate of civilian control — and strutting off somewhere across the parade (in a duck walk) out from under the military wing at that. On the other side, challenging a military establishment in Pakistan itself is as daring as history has witnessed for their results.

The opposition, including Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), is bound to capitalize on this charge sheet for a new vermin-fearing narrative that it has been projecting already. Both Khan and the military have had a chafed relationship since his ouster from office in 2022, he could use this as an appeal to galvanize support for himself as well as drum up sentiment-building winds of early elections.

The Role of the Media

After all, Hamid Mir was the one who exposed these scandals and his role is substantial in this sense. As far as reporting on key issues was concerned both media and policymen have blackmailed each other off-and-on in Pakistan. So Mir appears to be a much-needed exception defending freedom of the press amid speculation over rumoured support for one former army chief

But this also makes Mir a little uncomfortable part. Journalists in Pakistan have been murdered, intimidated and restrained for reporting on the military. The next move Madam State will make in response to these allegations though, remains to be seen and also what action another actor such as Mir might face for revealing a disclosure of this nature.

What Lies Ahead

Now with Pakistan in its army fatigues, waiting for the dust to settle and see if Hamid Mir's bullets aimed at his head expose more than they conceal - consequences not just for a country struggling to emerge from martial law syndrome but where democracy deficits are never too far away. If true, Mir's allegations stand to create a political and strategic crisis that will reverberate through the echelons of power.

The country waits for the dominoes to fall out of it, breath held. In either case, the following months will be significant not only for General Bajwa's legacy but also in determining a likely direction Pakistan might head towards politically.

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